Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Photography Take 2

Last Tuesday night I met with another photographer. I will be honest, first thing that drew us in her direction, price.

We are running into the problem of photographers packages limited to hours of coverage. 4 or 6 are pretty popular and by having a 2:00 or 2:30 wedding, that doesn’t give us a whole lot of time for photos before the wedding and pictures after the wedding or having them at the reception for very long.

This lady I could book from whatever time we wanted her in the morning to whatever time we wanted her to leave from the dance. What’s the catch you ask? Why didn’t you book her? Great price, great coverage, what’s the deal?

She is VERY inexperienced. She has only done 4 weddings EVER. I thought about asking for references to talk to those people, but quickly found out that 2 were cousins, and one was a close family friend. Yeah, like they are going to say anything bad.

So, now I understand why I can afford her.

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