Monday, November 10, 2008

Catching Up…

I thought I should have the blog reflect some of the colors we have chosen for the wedding. I spent a good chunck of Sunday trying to get it just right...enjoy! Oh and I have added a new bridesmaid to the wedding party.

Nothing much new to report from B-town this week. I haven't seen my new island light yet. So, I will be emailing that guy today. I had to work at the bank Saturday morning and my dear Randy lost his mind and decided to go tailgating. From 9 am until about 4 he and some friends stood outside like popsicles to cheer on SDSU for their last home game. After a meal at Cubby’s and a few beers, I think he was feeling better. This week Randy is packing up to leave town. Tomorrow bright and early at 5am he heads out. Crazy enough he hasn’t been too upset about it. He does get to spend 4 days in California, so I guess I wouldn’t be complaining much about it either!

We, well I hit up downtown Brookings on Halloween night. I love Halloween!! From a young age, mom always wanted Luke and I to dress up in different “themes” with her. The Wizard of Oz is probably the one that I remember best. Mom was Dorothy, I was good witch Glenda, and Luke was Toto. So, I can blame my love of dressing up as someone else once a year on her! Thanks Mom!

As you can see I have updated our picture. Randy dressed up, but just to go over to a friend’s house for the evening. All of my Halloween excitement must have rubbed off on him! We had a blast and I am glad that Halloween was 2 weeks ago, as the weather was much nicer to walk home in than it would have been this last week.

That leads me to my next point. I am NOT ready for winter yet. We were spoiled for the last couple of weeks with the 60 and 70 degree weather and now every other day they are predicting snow. I don’t like it one bit. This weather does however reassure me that I am going to be happy that my wedding day won’t be freezing cold!

Have a good week everyone!

Monday, November 3, 2008

MIA Cell Phone

I had a great week…

Monday we had to get tires put on the Monte Carlo, a nice $150 bill.
Monday, I lost my cell phone.
Tuesday night I broke a light in the house.

So much for trying to save money for the wedding. I think this week we have spent more than we have made. We knew the tires on the Monte we getting a little rough. Randy was having to put air in the 2 back ones about once a week. Then it was about every 3 days, and then they needed to be filled everyday. Not wanting to go into winter with bad tires, we bit the bullet and had some new ones put on.

I have to give an unnecessary plug for Wal-Mart/Sam’s club tires though. A few years ago tires were my Christmas present. I needed some for my car, it was Christmas, it worked out. Mom picked them up at Sam’s. Sam’s has this road hazard program that basically says they will fix the tire for the life of it as long as it was driving related at any Wal-Mart or Sam’s location. Hole in it, screw/nail in it, etc. if they cannot fix it, they figure how much tread is left on the tire and give you credit towards a new one. Since we only needed to get 1 tire, the other was fixable, they gave us $50 credit towards the new tire. $50 is $50 people.

My cell phone…Agh.
While tires were begin put on the Monte, we went and had a nice romantic dinner at Arby’s. I called my mom, sent Art a picture message of Randy enjoying his Arby-Q, and then….
Your guess is as good as mine, when finishing that sentence. We went to Wal-Mart and picked up the car and I reached in my pocket for my phone when we were leaving, and it was gone. I figured I must have thrown it in my bag or something and would worry about it when I got home.

I checked everywhere. In the car, in the house, emptied my bag and called and called and called it. I called Arby’s to see if I had left it in the booth or on the table. They told me nope, nothing had been turned it. I called Wal-Mart and they told me the same thing.

I didn’t think I would be this upset over loosing my cell phone. I mean come on it is JUST A PHONE. But I am super pissed. I am mad that I have to get a different one, I lost my numbers, and I really liked my phone!!! I have never officially lost a cell phone. I ran over one with my car once, but I found it. I am afraid this one is officially gone. As I think about it more, I have to wonder if we possibly threw it away with our garbage at Arby’s. I though I was more responsible than that, but maybe not.

Speaking of being responsible…The broken island light.
I was on the couch the other night watching a little TV and looked over and saw my special-ed cat Steve just hanging out on the counter top. ABSOLUTELY NOT! Our cats are in no way allowed on the counter top and when they get up there, I pretty much freak out on them and chase them around the house. I knew he would see me before I could get a head start on him, so grabbed the first thing I could see and tossed it in his direction. Well, the island light got in the way, and broke all over the counter top.

This was the icing on the cake for the week and it was only Tuesday! I was able to find a light on e-bay and it should be here in a week or so. An easy fix, to something stupid I did.

Moral of this post…last week wasn't my week. This week has to be better!