Thursday, September 11, 2008

Centerpiece Hell

I am obsessed with the centerpieces for the reception. Why I have no idea. I am really concerned how they are going to turn out, if everyone will like them, and how they will go with the overall look of the wedding.

WHY!?!?! Have you even been to a wedding that you actually remember what the centerpieces looked like? I have been to 1. The only reason I remember what they were is because they were cake. Instead of cupcakes or getting up for dessert after the meal each table had their own individual cake.

So I want something cool. I want something memorable for whatever reason. I want something colorful, but simple, and most importantly, cheap, but I don't want them to look cheap. After all no one will remember them anyways!

Idea #1
I had come across some photos on one of my many websites with rocks and vases, water and candles. Oh hey, I can make that. Here is my attempt

Not too bad, but I figured out that to do each one I wanted at least 2 of the $3.50 vases that I told mom I had to have because I was sure I could do something creative with them.

Idea #2
Rental place from Watertown. I am thinking that I would like a lot of color on the tables. Not sure that I am set on 1 or 2 colors. I like them all bright and cheerful. I thought this would do it. Different colors for each tables?

Idea #3
Rachel Ray. Well it looked awesome on her website anyways! Lemon jello and daisy's.

We I sure wasn't going to spend the money on daisy's just to try another creative centerpieces. I really liked this idea. I was thinking it would bring color to the tables and be something unique that no one else would probably have or think of.

After sending a picture message to my mom last night, she explained to me that having memorable things at your wedding was a good thing, but maybe this wasn't what we wanted people to remember.

I am finding out very quickly why people RENT decorations! I am not giving up. My obsession isn't any better. I will keep you posted on my other great ideas!

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