Monday, August 3, 2009

Another busy weekend…

August 1st came and went and I may have freaked out a little bit. I as looking at my list of things that needed to get done and just didn’t think that there was any way we were going to be ready. Between a few kind word from my mom and bridesmaids, I figured it was better to freak out now and get stuff done, than freak out later and be totally out of time.

So this weekend, I made myself a list of all the things that I wanted to get done:Work out the details of the rehearsal dinner. Make up a guest list, finalize the programs and get them ordered. I also wanted to finish up the seating arrangement for family and the wedding party and finish getting the name cards made up. Update my flowers for Hy-Vee, work on center pieces..which turned out awesome! Put the wedding party gifts together and work on the program.

I pretty much got everything done that I wanted to. Betty found a dress and it is ordered. We finally figured out who will be walking up with who and made some changes to the program. Randy and Josh worked on the garage finishing up door and window trim. We added hooks in the garage to have a place for all of the boating stuff to hang to dry out, tubes, life jackets, wakeboard, etc.

Mom came up and worked like a dog. She helped clean, vacuum, do laundry, clean bathrooms, dust, sweep, dishes, everything I have completely neglected for the past couple weeks. It was wonderful to have someone there doing something all day and I was sitting at my kitchen table working on wedding stuff. An extra person there to help, made so much of a difference this weekend.

Even though we did get a lot done, we still have a list to work on…
Monday – Randy heads to Salt Lake City for work. I need to drop off a check at the Days Inn and work out the details of our flowers with Hy-Vee – over my lunch break. Return the samples from the party depot that we used this weekend to figure out our centerpieces and I have a haircut appointment at 5:30.
Tuesday – Randy still gone. I have to work the weight watchers meeting over lunch and meet with the church at 6 to get program approval and finalize music selections.
Wednesday – Randy home and I have nothing planned. Free Day!!
Thursday – Chiropractor appointment over lunch and meet with the church and Steve – my soloists – in the evening.
Friday – Is it Friday already? Another week down and only 23 days until the wedding.
Saturday – My shower in Brookings
Sunday – Recoup to start all over again

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